Respondent's Guide to Hearings
1. Does every case lead to a hearing before a Disciplinary Committee?
No. It depends on the seriousness of the alleged breach of the Safe Sport Unified Code (“Unified Code”).
The level of seriousness of a breach can be classified as low, medium or high based on the Assessment of Seriousness.
A breach that is classified at a low level of seriousness will be managed by the Member Organisation. Breaches of higher levels of seriousness will be managed by the Safe Sport Commission (“Commission”).
To learn more about the Assessment of Seriousness, see Appendix 1 & 2 of the Safe Sport Programme Handbook (“Handbook”).
2. Why is there a need for a hearing?
The purpose of a hearing is twofold:
to allow the Respondent an opportunity to provide their account to an independent Disciplinary Committee
to determine the appropriate sanctions where the Disciplinary Committee decides that a breach of the Unified Code has occurred
3. Who will be on the Disciplinary Committee?
The Discipline Panel Chairperson will appoint three (3) Members from the Disciplinary Panel to form the Disciplinary Committee for the hearing.
These three (3) Members will be from the sporting community and will be made up of:
one (1) Legal Member, who will chair the hearing
two (2) Ordinary Members
4. How are the Disciplinary Panel Members appointed?
The Members of the Disciplinary Panel have been appointed by the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth.
The criteria for becoming a Disciplinary Panel Member can be found in Appendix 5 of the Handbook.
5. What if a Disciplinary Committee Member has a personal involvement with the case and/or connection to any of the parties involved?
You may object to any Disciplinary Committee Member on the case by writing to the secretariat ( and stating the reasons for your objection. The Disciplinary Panel Chairperson will consider your concerns and may appoint another Member to the Disciplinary Committee at his/her discretion if the reasons for your objection is valid.
6. May I admit to the breach(es) before the hearing?
Yes, you may admit to the alleged breach(es) at any time before the hearing or even during the hearing. If you do so, the Disciplinary Committee will proceed to determine if any sanction(s) should be imposed and in the process, mitigating or aggravating factor(s) will be considered.
For more information, please see Section 8.6 and Appendix 3 of the Handbook.
7. Will I be subjected to any temporary measures before the hearing?
There is a possibility that temporary measures may be imposed pending investigations based on:
severity of the Misconduct
sufficiency of evidence
risk of further harm
For more information on this, please see Section 6.11 of the Handbook.
1. What if I am unable to attend the hearing?
If you are unable to attend due to illness or unforeseen circumstances, do write to the secretariat ( specifying your reasons. The Disciplinary Committee will decide whether to adjourn the hearing.
The hearing may still proceed in your absence under certain circumstances as per Section 17.3 of the Handbook.
2. What should I take note of prior to the hearing?
You would have received a Notice of Hearing which comprises the details of the documents and the procedures involved in the hearing process.
Where the case is complex, the Disciplinary Committee Chair may decide that a pre-hearing meeting with you may be necessary to assist the Disciplinary Committee managing the hearing process.
You can find out more of the hearing procedures in Section 18 of the Handbook.
3. Is there a guideline/directive/framework that assists the Disciplinary Committee to make a decision?
Based on the available evidence and the balance of probabilities, the Disciplinary Committee will determine if a breach has taken place.
The decision-making framework, based on culpability and harm, guides the Disciplinary Committee in making an appropriate decision on the measures and/or sanctions.
You can find out more about this in Section 8.4 and Appendix 2 of the Handbook.
4. Will I be able to ask the Affected Party, or any of the witnesses, any questions during the hearing?
Unlike court processes which are adversarial, the objective of these proceedings is inquisitorial in nature in that the hearing will be conducted more like an official inquiry. Therefore, there is no direct questioning of the Affected Party and/or other witnesses except by the Disciplinary Committee.
For more information, please see Section 18.11 of the Handbook.
1. What are some of the possible sanctions which I could be subjected to?
The sanctions for breach of the Unified Code pertain to a person’s participation in sport.
You could receive a warning, a direction to do something (e.g. attend a course, contact limitations) or your participation may be limited (e.g. probation, suspension, permanent ineligibility).
You can find a non-exhaustive list of measures and sanctions in Appendix 3 of the Handbook.
2. On what grounds may I appeal?
You may appeal the Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on the following grounds:
error in application of rules and/or in a central finding of fact,
that a sanction is manifestly excessive and/or wrong in in principle
that a sanction was unduly lenient
that a decision should be overturned in the interests of natural justice.
The Commission may also lodge an appeal against the Decision of the Disciplinary Committee.
For more information on appeals, please see Section 9 of the Handbook.
3. How much time do I have to lodge an appeal?
To lodge an appeal, you have fourteen (14) days from the date of being informed of the written Decision.
For more information on Appeals, please see Section 9 of the Handbook.
4. Who will be on the Appeal Committee?
The Disciplinary Panel Chairperson will appoint a Legal Member from the Disciplinary Panel as the Chair of the Appeal Committee. The Appeal Committee will be formed of Disciplinary Panel Members that have not already heard the case.
5. Is there a guideline/directive/framework that assists the Appeal Committee to reach an outcome?
The Appeal Committee shall be provided with all available records of the proceedings before the Disciplinary Committee and shall have the power to conduct and regulate the appeal proceedings as it deems fit.
For more information on the Appeal Committee and their proceedings, please see Section 19 of the Handbook.
6. What happens to any measures/sanctions imposed by the Disciplinary Committee whilst the Appeal is pending?
The measures/sanctions imposed by the Disciplinary Committee remain in place pending the outcome of the Appeal.
7. Will I have to appear before the Appeal Committee?
This will depend on:
the grounds of appeal (whether the matter of appeal relates to a question of law and/or fact)
whether the Appeal Committee needs to hear the matter afresh
For more information, please see Section 19 of the Handbook.
8. Are there further avenues of appeal after the Appeal Committee’s decision?
The Appeal Committee’s decision is final and binding.
9. Will the documents pertaining to my case be kept confidential?
Unless disclosed by the Commission, all documents and/or evidence related to the Response and/or Resolution Process are confidential.
More on confidentiality can be read from Section 10 of the Handbook.
10. Will the sanctions be made public?
The Commission may maintain a publicly available, searchable register on the outcome of disciplinary processes.
For more information, please see Section 10.6 of the Handbook.
If you have more questions, please email us at
Quick Links:
Safe Sport Unified Code v4
Safe Sport Programme Handbook 101
If you have more questions, please email us at _report@safesport.sg_.