Reporting Toolkit
Services of the Case Management unit are only available to Member Organisations of the Safe Sport Programme.
1. Contact Safe Sport
Our Case Manager is here to help.
Always inform Safe Sport when you have received a report of concern. We will advise if the case should be handled by you, Safe Sport, or jointly handled.
2. Formal Report or Disclosure?
Establish what type of report the affected person is making.
Formal Reports will trigger an investigation, where Respondents and witnesses will be contacted and made known of the investigation.
Disclosures will not trigger investigations, but will be logged in the Safe Sport case database.
Affected persons can choose to change the type of reporting at any point.
3. Misconduct and/or Breaches
What type(s) of Safe Sport misconduct have been reported?
Where might there have been breaches of your organisations Safe Sport policies?
What other code of conduct (e.g., NROC) breaches may have taken place?
4. Mandatory Reporting
As per Section 424 of the CPC: If you know of the commission or intention to commit a crime, you must report it to the Singapore Police Force.
5. Interim Measures
Has the report highlighted any immediate risks to the affected person or others?
What could help mitigate risks? Consider temporary measures like separation or suspension while investigations are ongoing.
6. Interview
Put your new information gathering skills to the test and speak with the affected person to find out more about what has happened.
If they have elected to proceed with a formal report, interview the respondent and witnesses if necessary.
7. Document
Complete the Preliminary Assessment Form and share a copy with Safe Sport. Include statements, conversation notes and any other types of communications, photos/videos/screenshots if any.
Store these securely and always share passwords to password-protected documents separately.
8. Joint Assessment with Safe Sport
Reconvene with the Case Manager and categorise misconduct (A/B/C) based on severity scale.
9. Support Networks
Being part of an investigation can be stressful and traumatising. The Safe Sport Support Network is available to anyone involved in a investigation. Alternatively, refer to this list of helplines.
10. Further Interventions
Consider other steps to protect your community, such as terminations or disciplinary measures. Has the incident highlighted a need for policy review or training and education intervention?